Monday 13 May 2013

Opus One @ The Radisson Manchester

Opus One, Manchester 12th May 2013

This afternoon tea was booked a number of weeks ago, due to the perceived popularity of the venue. When we arrived it was busy with many others indulging in afternoon tea and I was very glad we had booked. 

On this visit there were five of us, so at leadt the company was excellent and we were seated inside and not in the conservatory section. It is very nice and comfortable but everything does appear pink due to the lighting - hence the photos looking odd. It is a busy place and quite noisy.

It took some time for any attention and when the maitre d' came over and we asked for some drinks per ordering it seemed to confuse things no end, so much so that he felt the need to explain three times that drinks came with the afternoon tea. Eventually we decided to simply order and at this point a second waiter came over and asked if we wanted to order, very odd with the maitre d' stood there talking to us.

We went for four traditional afternoon teas one with champagne and one gentleman's tea with champagne. There was a choice of teas including fruit ones and coffee available.

The service was slow and eventually we got the drinks but then there was yet another long wait before the afternoon tea was served. The good thing was that at least the tea was served in large tea pots.

When the afternoon tea arrived it was served on the traditional 3 tier stands that were quite high and when seated quite low it does make having a conversation across the table quite difficult.

The gentleman's tea included, mini fish and chips, pork pie, and a mini Yorkshire pudding served with beef. In addition were 3 half sandwiches, including egg, smoked salmon and ham served on brown and for desert two mini scones with jam and cream.

The traditional afternoon tea came with 4 mini fingers filled with egg, cheese, smoked salmon and ham, these were half the size of any fingers from any other afternoon teas that I have had so far.

As with the gentleman's tea there were two mini scones with jam and cream but the top tier included 4 deserts and not what I call mini ones. A blueberry cake, custard tart, chocolate eclair and a Prosecco and fruit jelly.

The food was very fresh and tasty with the exception of the jelly, which was quite bland. It was also not good that there was nothing provided to eat this with and we ended up using our teaspoons.

During the time there we were not asked at any point if everything was good or if we wanted any more drinks. When we did manage to get the attention of a waiter and ask for some water he forgot and we had to try and get the attention of someone else later on for this and more tea.

Toward the end the waitress came to clear cups and plates despite there still be cakes on the stand and tea in the pot. She didn't even ask first just started and we had to ask her to stop and explain that we were not finished.

The cost of the afternoon tea without champagne was £16.95 per person and the most expensive we have had so far on this journey. The food was very good, the venue is a prime city centre venue but the service really did let the experience down and for me afternoon tea is an experience

Opus One


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